Mar 25, 2011

Support Alert.....!!! Currency Setup in Dynamics AX 2009 CRM:0027732

> Currency Setup in Dynamics AX 2009

To create currency go to General Ledger > Setup > Exchange Rates. The
Exchange rates form opens.

> Exchange rates form

Exchange rates form

As you can see in above screen shot we have five tabs on this form. First is
the Overview tab. In this tab we'll create new currency. To create new
currency press Ctrl + N, in the Currency field write new currency short name
(3 characters limit), in the Name field write descriptive name for new
currency, in the ISO field select ISO currency code for new currency and in
the Symbol field enter symbol for new currency created.

In the lower pane of the Exchange rates form, are the exchange rates for
currency. You can define exchange rates for each day. If you want to use one
exchange rate leave the Start date field blank. AX will automatically use
last exchange rate, if multiple exchange rates are available.

Next is the General tab which shows same information as in the Overview tab
except the Gender field (Optional if you are not using Spanish check).

Third tab is the Currency convertor tab. Enable currency conversion by check
mark on the Conversion field. Postfix and prefix are character you want to
add before and after amount. Enter spaces before and after postfix and
prefix fields to separate from amount.

I have created the Pakistan Rupees (PKR) with the following setup:

> Exchange rates form, Currency converter

Exchange rates form, Currency converter tab

Now I want to view all my amounts in the PRK currency. To do this click the
current currency icon located in the bottom right corner of the status bar.

> Currency converter

Currency converter

The Currency converter form opens. Double click on the PKR currency.

After doing above setting we will get the following result in the Chart of
Accounts form.

> Chart of accounts form

Chart of accounts form

The Posting tab define Realized loss, Realized profit, Unrealized loss,
Unrealized profit general ledger accounts due to currency exchange rate.

> Exchange rates form, Posting tab

Exchange rates form, Posting tab

These settings depend on your company policies and weather you are using
foreign currency for billing and payments. There's a detail article about
Realized and Unrealized profit and loss
> .

Last tab is the Round-off tab as the name shows it's about rounding off

> Exchange rates form, Round-off tab

Exchange rates form, Round-off tab

General rounding-off applies to all modules and there are separate settings
for Account Receivable, Account Payables modules and Prices.

Example: We have amount 6827.28. Below table describe how Round Off and
Rounding form works.

Rounding form

Round off .01

Round off .10

Round off 1.00

Round off 10.00

Round off 100.00



















Currency setup in General Ledger module

In General Ledger module go to Setup > Parameters. The General ledger
parameters form opens. Go to the Ledger tab:

> General ledger parameters form

General ledger parameters form

In the Express exchange rate field specify how much of your currency equals
to 100 units of foreign currency. The value is used in the Exchange rates

Example: Enter the 50 in the Express exchange rate field. Save parameters.
The Exchange rates form will have the following values.

> Exchange rates form

Exchange rates form

The Maximum penny difference field contains the maximum difference between
debit and credit amount in the voucher. The difference can appear when debit
or credit amount is rounded (because debit and credit amount is rounded

The Maximum penny-rounding in the secondary currency field contains the
maximum difference between debit and credit amount in the voucher if this
amount is recorded in the secondary currency.

Setting up company default currency

To set company default currency do the following:

Go to the Basic > Setup > Company information > Other tab > Currency field
group > Currency field

You can select any currency you have created in the Exchange rates form

Mar 24, 2011

Support Alert.....!!! Core Concepts in Production (AXAPTA) CRM:0027731

Introduction (Core Concepts in Production)

Why does the company need to have the Production module? …The answer is for
managing and accounting the Production. What is Production? Production is a
process of creating products. And, what is a product?

From Wikipedia <> :

"The noun product is defined as a "thing produced by labor or effort" or the
"result of an act or a process", and stems from the verb produce, from the
Latin prōdūce(re) '(to) lead or bring forth'."

So the Production module is used for the following purposes:

* Setting up materials (product structure) and resources (operations)
required for a product creation.
* Accounting the product production process (accounting materials and
resources required for producing a product).

In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, a product is an item of the BOM item type
(BOM – Bill of materials). Go to Inventory management > Common Forms > Item



Setting Up Materials Required for Product Creation (Product Structure)

Product structure contains the information about the materials that are
required for building the product.

Item of the BOM item type (product) must be associated with the Bills of

From Wikipedia <> :

"The bill of materials (BOM) is a list of the raw materials, sub-assemblies,
intermediate assemblies, sub-components, components, parts and the
quantities of each needed to manufacture an end product".

To view the BOM associated with the item, in the Item form, select necessary
item and click the BOM > Lines menu button.

BOM Line form

BOM Line form

In our demo data, the 1101 item is associated with the BOM-1101-1-1 BOM. In
the BOM line form, we can see the components that are used in order to
produce the 1101 item.

Setting Up Resources Required for the Product Creation (Operations)

An operation contains information about the resources that are required for
building the product.

An item of the BOM item type must be associated with the Route. A Route
defines operations and their sequence required for producing the product.
The operation contains information about the working time and the required
resources. So, we can say that:

* BOM contains information about the materials required for building
the product.
* Route contains information about the working time and the resources
required for building the product.

Resources are presented in Microsoft Dynamics AX as work centers. In
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, a work center can be of the following types:

* Machine
* Tool
* Human
* Operator
* Vendor

To view the Route associated with the item, click the Route button in the
Item form.

Route form

Route form

In our demo data, the 1101 item is associated with the 1001 Route. In the
Route form, we can see the operations (work centers, working time) that are
used for producing the 1101 item. We will learn how to understand the
information presented in the Route form in the next lesson.

How are the operations and the materials connected?

Each material is manually associated with a specific operation.

1. In the Item form, click the BOM > BOM lines menu button.
2. Go to the General tab and enter the necessary operation in the Oper.
No. field.

With the help of the BOM designer, do the following:

1. In the Item form, click the BOM > Designer menu item.
2. Drag and drop product materials to a specific operation.

> BOM designer form

BOM designer form

Accounting Product Production Process (accounting materials and resources
required for production of a product)

A production order is used for managing the product creation process. It can
be created from a sales order.

The production order follows a sequential "production life cycle". The life
cycle reflects the actual steps that are taken to manufacture an item. It
begins with the creation of a production order and ends with a finished,
manufactured item that is ready for the customer. Each step in the life
cycle requires different kinds of information.

When the production order is ended, items that will be consumed are deducted
from the inventory, the created product is added to the inventory and the
costs of materials and resources are recorded to the general ledger


1. Production module is use for:

* Setting up materials (product structure) and resources (operations)
required for creating a product
* Accounting product production process (accounting materials and
resources required for producing a product)

2. Product is an Item of the BOM item type.
3. Product is associated with a BOM and a Route.

* Bills of Material – BOMS
A Bill of Material or a BOM defines the recipe for making a product. Think
of it as a list of ingredients which includes all the sub-assemblies,
components, and raw materials required for making a single finished product.

* Routes and Operations
A production route defines the process which is used for making a finished
product. Sequential steps, or operations, are created which describe the
Work Centres involved in the production process and how much time it takes
to carry out each operation.
* Work Centres
Work Centres represent production resources available to a company for
making products. In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, a Work Centre can be a
Machine, a Tool, a Human Operator, or a Vendor.

4. A Production order is used for managing the product creation

Support Alert.....!!! Core Concepts in Production (AXAPTA) CRM:0027731

Introduction (Core Concepts in Production)

Why does the company need to have the Production module? …The answer is for
managing and accounting the Production. What is Production? Production is a
process of creating products. And, what is a product?

From Wikipedia <> :

"The noun product is defined as a "thing produced by labor or effort" or the
"result of an act or a process", and stems from the verb produce, from the
Latin prōdūce(re) '(to) lead or bring forth'."

So the Production module is used for the following purposes:

* Setting up materials (product structure) and resources (operations)
required for a product creation.
* Accounting the product production process (accounting materials and
resources required for producing a product).

In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, a product is an item of the BOM item type
(BOM – Bill of materials). Go to Inventory management > Common Forms > Item



Setting Up Materials Required for Product Creation (Product Structure)

Product structure contains the information about the materials that are
required for building the product.

Item of the BOM item type (product) must be associated with the Bills of

From Wikipedia <> :

"The bill of materials (BOM) is a list of the raw materials, sub-assemblies,
intermediate assemblies, sub-components, components, parts and the
quantities of each needed to manufacture an end product".

To view the BOM associated with the item, in the Item form, select necessary
item and click the BOM > Lines menu button.

BOM Line form

BOM Line form

In our demo data, the 1101 item is associated with the BOM-1101-1-1 BOM. In
the BOM line form, we can see the components that are used in order to
produce the 1101 item.

Setting Up Resources Required for the Product Creation (Operations)

An operation contains information about the resources that are required for
building the product.

An item of the BOM item type must be associated with the Route. A Route
defines operations and their sequence required for producing the product.
The operation contains information about the working time and the required
resources. So, we can say that:

* BOM contains information about the materials required for building
the product.
* Route contains information about the working time and the resources
required for building the product.

Resources are presented in Microsoft Dynamics AX as work centers. In
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, a work center can be of the following types:

* Machine
* Tool
* Human
* Operator
* Vendor

To view the Route associated with the item, click the Route button in the
Item form.

Route form

Route form

In our demo data, the 1101 item is associated with the 1001 Route. In the
Route form, we can see the operations (work centers, working time) that are
used for producing the 1101 item. We will learn how to understand the
information presented in the Route form in the next lesson.

How are the operations and the materials connected?

Each material is manually associated with a specific operation.

1. In the Item form, click the BOM > BOM lines menu button.
2. Go to the General tab and enter the necessary operation in the Oper.
No. field.

With the help of the BOM designer, do the following:

1. In the Item form, click the BOM > Designer menu item.
2. Drag and drop product materials to a specific operation.

> BOM designer form

BOM designer form

Accounting Product Production Process (accounting materials and resources
required for production of a product)

A production order is used for managing the product creation process. It can
be created from a sales order.

The production order follows a sequential "production life cycle". The life
cycle reflects the actual steps that are taken to manufacture an item. It
begins with the creation of a production order and ends with a finished,
manufactured item that is ready for the customer. Each step in the life
cycle requires different kinds of information.

When the production order is ended, items that will be consumed are deducted
from the inventory, the created product is added to the inventory and the
costs of materials and resources are recorded to the general ledger


1. Production module is use for:

* Setting up materials (product structure) and resources (operations)
required for creating a product
* Accounting product production process (accounting materials and
resources required for producing a product)

2. Product is an Item of the BOM item type.
3. Product is associated with a BOM and a Route.

* Bills of Material – BOMS
A Bill of Material or a BOM defines the recipe for making a product. Think
of it as a list of ingredients which includes all the sub-assemblies,
components, and raw materials required for making a single finished product.

* Routes and Operations
A production route defines the process which is used for making a finished
product. Sequential steps, or operations, are created which describe the
Work Centres involved in the production process and how much time it takes
to carry out each operation.
* Work Centres
Work Centres represent production resources available to a company for
making products. In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, a Work Centre can be a
Machine, a Tool, a Human Operator, or a Vendor.

4. A Production order is used for managing the product creation

Mar 21, 2011

Quote (Test)

To start mail merge, click CRM.


In Microsoft Office Word 2007, the CRM button appears on either the Add-ins tab or the Mailings tab, depending on the mail merge template you selected.


After you click CRM, the macro creates a new text file and puts the comment data into it. The comment is the data source for your mail merge.[CRM1] 


Caution: To run mail merge, you must enable macros for this document. After the mail merge is completed, delete this file and the associated text file to safeguard possibly sensitive data.




<TABLE><TH>Bill_To_City</TH><TH>Bill_To_Country_Region</TH><TH>Bill_To_Fax</TH><TH>Bill_To_Street_1</TH><TH>Bill_To_Street_2</TH><TH>Bill_To_Street_3</TH><TH>Bill_To_ZIP_Postal_Code</TH><TH>Bill_To_State_Province</TH><TH>Bill_To_Phone</TH><TH>Potential_Customer</TH><TH>Description</TH><TH>Quote_Discount_Amount</TH><TH>Quote_Discount_</TH><TH>Effective_From</TH><TH>Effective_To</TH><TH>Due_By</TH><TH>Freight_Amount</TH><TH>Freight_Terms</TH><TH>Name</TH><TH>Opportunity</TH><TH>Owner</TH><TH>Payment_Terms</TH><TH>Price_List</TH><TH>Quote_ID</TH><TH>Requested_Delivery_Date</TH><TH>Revision_ID</TH><TH>Shipping_Method</TH><TH>Ship_To_City</TH><TH>Ship_To_Country_Region</TH><TH>Ship_To_Fax</TH><TH>Ship_To_Street_1</TH><TH>Ship_To_Street_2</TH><TH>Ship_To_Street_3</TH><TH>Ship_To_ZIP_Postal_Code</TH><TH>Ship_To_State_Province</TH><TH>Ship_To_Phone</TH><TH>Total_Amount</TH><TH>Total_Pre_Freight_Amount</TH><TH>Total_Detail_Amount</TH><TH>Total_Tax</TH><TH>Product_ID</TH><TH>Quote_Product_Ship_To_Street_1</TH><TH>Quote_Product_Ship_To_Street_2</TH><TH>Quote_Product_Ship_To_Street_3</TH><TH>Quote_Product_Ship_To_City</TH><TH>Quote_Product_Ship_To_State_Province</TH><TH>Quote_Product_Ship_To_Country_Region</TH><TH>Quote_Product_Ship_To_ZIP_Postal_Code</TH><TH>Quote_Product_Ship_To_Phone</TH><TH>Quote_Product_Ship_To_Fax</TH><TH>Quote_Product_Product</TH><TH>Quote_Product_Volume_Discount</TH><TH>Quote_Product_Price_Per_Unit</TH><TH>Quote_Product_Quantity</TH><TH>Quote_Product_Amount</TH><TH>Quote_Product_Manual_Discount</TH><TH>Quote_Product_Extended_Amount</TH><TH>Quote_Product_Requested_Delivery_Date</TH><TH>Quote_Product_Unit</TH><TH>Quote_Product_Product_Description</TH><TH>Quote_Product_Salesperson</TH><TH>Quote_Product_Tax</TH><TH>LastItem</TH><TR><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD>*Sample</TD><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD>*sample</TD><TD>*sample</TD><TD>{D7BF5328-D123-DF11-AA31-001372F920BA}</TD><TD /><TD>UAE</TD><TD>QUO-01001-NBF5LW</TD><TD /><TD>0</TD><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD>$2,744.00</TD><TD>$2,744.00</TD><TD>$2,744.00</TD><TD>$0.00</TD><TD>F001</TD><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD>FISH! Culture v2 FILM</TD><TD>$0.00</TD><TD>$999.00</TD><TD>1.00000</TD><TD>$999.00</TD><TD /><TD>$999.00</TD><TD /><TD>No</TD><TD /><TD>Ahmad Hussain</TD><TD /><TD>0</TD></TR><TR><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD>*Sample</TD><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD>*sample</TD><TD>*sample</TD><TD>{D7BF5328-D123-DF11-AA31-001372F920BA}</TD><TD /><TD>UAE</TD><TD>QUO-01001-NBF5LW</TD><TD /><TD>0</TD><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD>$2,744.00</TD><TD>$2,744.00</TD><TD>$2,744.00</TD><TD>$0.00</TD><TD>F002</TD><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD>FISH! Complete, Pack</TD><TD>$0.00</TD><TD>$920.00</TD><TD>1.00000</TD><TD>$920.00</TD><TD /><TD>$920.00</TD><TD /><TD>No</TD><TD /><TD>Ahmad Hussain</TD><TD /><TD>0</TD></TR><TR><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD>*Sample</TD><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD>*sample</TD><TD>*sample</TD><TD>{D7BF5328-D123-DF11-AA31-001372F920BA}</TD><TD /><TD>UAE</TD><TD>QUO-01001-NBF5LW</TD><TD /><TD>0</TD><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD>$2,744.00</TD><TD>$2,744.00</TD><TD>$2,744.00</TD><TD>$0.00</TD><TD>F003</TD><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD /><TD>FISH! Sticks</TD><TD>$0.00</TD><TD>$825.00</TD><TD>1.00000</TD><TD>$825.00</TD><TD /><TD>$825.00</TD><TD /><TD>No</TD><TD /><TD>Ahmad Hussain</TD><TD /><TD>1</TD></TR></TABLE>