-in-dynamics-ax-2009> Currency Setup in Dynamics AX 2009
To create currency go to General Ledger > Setup > Exchange Rates. The
Exchange rates form opens.
.png> Exchange rates form
Exchange rates form
As you can see in above screen shot we have five tabs on this form. First is
the Overview tab. In this tab we'll create new currency. To create new
currency press Ctrl + N, in the Currency field write new currency short name
(3 characters limit), in the Name field write descriptive name for new
currency, in the ISO field select ISO currency code for new currency and in
the Symbol field enter symbol for new currency created.
In the lower pane of the Exchange rates form, are the exchange rates for
currency. You can define exchange rates for each day. If you want to use one
exchange rate leave the Start date field blank. AX will automatically use
last exchange rate, if multiple exchange rates are available.
Next is the General tab which shows same information as in the Overview tab
except the Gender field (Optional if you are not using Spanish check).
Third tab is the Currency convertor tab. Enable currency conversion by check
mark on the Conversion field. Postfix and prefix are character you want to
add before and after amount. Enter spaces before and after postfix and
prefix fields to separate from amount.
I have created the Pakistan Rupees (PKR) with the following setup:
nge-form-Currency-conversion5.png> Exchange rates form, Currency converter
Exchange rates form, Currency converter tab
Now I want to view all my amounts in the PRK currency. To do this click the
current currency icon located in the bottom right corner of the status bar.
rter.png> Currency converter
Currency converter
The Currency converter form opens. Double click on the PKR currency.
After doing above setting we will get the following result in the Chart of
Accounts form.
efix-change-in-COA-Detail-form1.png> Chart of accounts form
Chart of accounts form
The Posting tab define Realized loss, Realized profit, Unrealized loss,
Unrealized profit general ledger accounts due to currency exchange rate.
ostingTab.png> Exchange rates form, Posting tab
Exchange rates form, Posting tab
These settings depend on your company policies and weather you are using
foreign currency for billing and payments. There's a detail article about
Realized and Unrealized profit and loss
realized-profit-unrealized-loss-unrealized-profit-in-dynamics-ax-2009> .
Last tab is the Round-off tab as the name shows it's about rounding off
oundOffTab.png> Exchange rates form, Round-off tab
Exchange rates form, Round-off tab
General rounding-off applies to all modules and there are separate settings
for Account Receivable, Account Payables modules and Prices.
Example: We have amount 6827.28. Below table describe how Round Off and
Rounding form works.
Rounding form
Round off .01
Round off .10
Round off 1.00
Round off 10.00
Round off 100.00
Currency setup in General Ledger module
In General Ledger module go to Setup > Parameters. The General ledger
parameters form opens. Go to the Ledger tab:
arameters.png> General ledger parameters form
General ledger parameters form
In the Express exchange rate field specify how much of your currency equals
to 100 units of foreign currency. The value is used in the Exchange rates
Example: Enter the 50 in the Express exchange rate field. Save parameters.
The Exchange rates form will have the following values.
um.png> Exchange rates form
Exchange rates form
The Maximum penny difference field contains the maximum difference between
debit and credit amount in the voucher. The difference can appear when debit
or credit amount is rounded (because debit and credit amount is rounded
The Maximum penny-rounding in the secondary currency field contains the
maximum difference between debit and credit amount in the voucher if this
amount is recorded in the secondary currency.
Setting up company default currency
To set company default currency do the following:
Go to the Basic > Setup > Company information > Other tab > Currency field
group > Currency field
You can select any currency you have created in the Exchange rates form