Feb 28, 2012

Support Alert....!!! Dynamics AX 2012 Customers Import using Excel Add-in

Dynamics AX 2012 Customers Import using Excel Add-in
Assumption: The assumption is that appropriate reference data such as customer groups, etc. was created in advance.
[Description: image]

[Description: image]
Add Data
[Description: image]
Dynamics AX Error
[Description: image]
Add Tables
[Description: image]
Field Chooser
[Description: image]
Field Name

Field Description


Customer account

Customer group

Name.Party ID

[Description: image]
Customer account - Number sequence
[Description: image]
DirPartyTable (Person)
Field Name

Field Description


Party ID

Party type

Display as

[Description: image]
Address book ID - Number sequence
[Description: image]
Field Name

Field Description

Location ID

Name or description

Postal address

[Description: image]
Field Name

Field Description


Location.Location ID

Name.Party ID


Postal address

[Description: image]
Field Name

Field Description

Location role.Role

Party location relationships.Effective:

Party location relationships.Location ID

[Description: image]
Field Name

Field Description

Country / region


Location.Location ID






ZIP / postal code


[Description: image]
Field Name

Field Description


Location.Location ID


Contact number / address


[Description: image][Description: image]
1. DirPartyTable - Publish Selected
2. LogisticsLocation - Publish Selected
3. DirPartyLocation - Publish Selected
4. DirPartyLocationRole - Publish Selected
5. LogisticsElectronicAddress - Publish Selected
6. LogisticsPostalAddress - Publish Selected
7. CustTable - Publish Selected
Dynamics AX - Address book
[Description: image]
Dynamics AX - Address book Address
[Description: image]
Dynamics AX - Address book Contact information
[Description: image]
Dynamics AX - Customer
[Description: image]
Dynamics AX - Customer Address
[Description: image]
Dynamics AX - Customer Contact information
[Description: image]
SQL Trace:
Summary: For the purposes of small or medium data migration (data conversion) where performance is not a concern Excel can be used for import of customers into Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. Although Customer AIF Web Service (CustCustomerService) can't be used at the moment in Excel for import of customers, appropriate tables can be used instead. Excel template can be created and used for import of customers.

Feb 27, 2012

Support Alert....!!! Accounts payable [AX 2012]

Accounts payable [AX 2012]

Use Accounts payable to track vendor invoices and outgoing expenditures. You can enter vendor invoices manually or receive them electronically through a service, or your vendor can enter the invoices by using a vendor portal. After the invoices are entered or received, you can review and approve the invoices by using an invoice approval journal or the Vendor invoice form. You can use invoice matching, vendor invoice policies, and workflow to automate the review process so that invoices that meet certain criteria are automatically approved, and the remaining invoices are flagged for review by an authorized user.

After vendor invoices are approved, you can pay vendors. If your organization includes multiple legal entities, you can use centralized payments to pay all invoices from a single legal entity. Multiple payment formats are supported. These include checks, promissory notes, and Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) electronic payments. You can settle invoices with payments or credit notes by using the Settle open transactions form. To view vendor information, use the All vendors list page and related forms.
Business processes<javascript:void(0)>
[Description: Business process diagram for Accounts payable]

Feb 20, 2012

Support Alert....!!! Process assets created from Accounts payable [AX 2012]

Process assets created from Accounts payable [AX 2012]

There are four methods for integrating Fixed assets and Accounts payable:

1. Manually create a fixed asset record in Fixed assets before you add the fixed asset number to the line in the purchase order or invoice. Post an acquisition transaction for the asset when you post the invoice. This is the default method.

2. Manually create a fixed asset record in Fixed assets before you add the fixed asset number to the line in the purchase order or invoice. Do not post an acquisition transaction for the asset when you post the invoice.

3. Automatically create a fixed asset record when you post the product receipt or invoice that has the Create asset during product receipt or invoice posting check box selected in the Fixed assets parameters form. Post an acquisition transaction for the asset when you post the invoice.

4. Automatically create a fixed asset record when you post the product receipt or invoice that has the Create asset during product receipt or invoice posting check box selected in the Fixed assets parameters form. Do not post an acquisition transaction for the asset when you post the invoice.

For more information, see About assets acquired through procurement<http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg231804.aspx>.

This information discusses how to post acquisition and acquisition adjustment transactions from Fixed assets, which is useful if you do not post an acquisition transaction for the asset when you post the invoice. If you use the first or third integration method, you do not have to follow these steps because an acquisition transaction is posted from Accounts payable.
<javascript:void(0)>Process assets using acquisition or acquisition adjustment proposals

1. Open a proposal form to create acquisition or acquisition adjustment transactions for fixed assets that are created from Accounts payable.

o To create acquisition transactions, open the Acquisition proposal form. (Click Fixed assets > Journals > Fixed assets. Click Lines, and then click Proposals > Acquisition proposal.)

o To create acquisition adjustment transactions, open the Acquisition adjustment proposal form. (Click Fixed assets > Journals > Fixed assets. Click Lines, and then click Proposals > Acquisition adjustment proposal.)

2. Click Select.

3. Enter query criteria to select assets that were invoiced.

4. Click OK to create acquisition or acquisition adjustment transactions that you can post for the fixed assets.

Feb 15, 2012

Support Alert......!!! Create accrual schemes [AX 2012]

Create accrual schemes [AX 2012]

Ledger accruals redistribute the costs or revenues of a journal line so that the costs and revenues are recognized in the appropriate periods.

The following steps describe how to create an accrual scheme. After you have created an accrual scheme, you can complete allocation key accrual schemes and calendar key or fiscal key accrual schemes. For more information, see the next sections.

1. Click General ledger > Setup > Posting > Accrual schemes.

2. Click New to create an accrual scheme.

3. Enter an accrual identification and a description of the scheme.

4. On the General FastTab, select account numbers in the Debit and Credit fields.

The account numbers are used for posting the accrued debit amounts to an asset account, and for posting the accrued credit amounts to a liability account.

5. In the Voucher field, select how to handle voucher numbers on the accrual transactions:

o Base - The main voucher number should be used for all generated transactions.

o Single - A new voucher number should be used for each transaction date.

o Multiple - A new voucher number should be used for all accrued transactions.

6. If you selected Single or Multiple in step 5, select a number sequence code for the voucher numbers. If you selected Base, the Number sequence code field is not available, because the main voucher number is used.

7. Enter a description that you can use on all the accrued transactions. If there is no description in this field, the description from the main voucher is used.

8. If you select Calendar or Fiscal in the Calendar type field, and select an option other than Day in the Posting frequency field, select when the accrued transactions should be posted in the Posting date field.


1. Complete the previous procedure.

2. In the Calendar type field, select the basis for the duration of the accrual:

o Calendar - Accruals are made according to the calendar year.

o Fiscal - Accruals are made according to the fiscal year that is defined in the Fiscal calendars form for the fiscal calendar that is selected in the Ledger form.

3. Select the period frequency, such as Monthly or Quarterly.

4. In the Length field, enter the number of occurrences for the selected period frequency, such as 4 quarters.

5. If you selected Calendar in the Calendar type field, select a posting frequency.

Period frequency and posting frequency are not necessarily the same. For example, a duration of 2 years typically requires postings every month.

o If you selected Monthly or Quarterly in the Posting frequency field, you can indicate if the same amount should be posted all months, or if the amount posted each month should be based on the number of days in the month, relative to the total number of days. Select Even in the Value posting field if all months or quarters should be debited the same amount. Select Scale if each month should be debited based on the number of days in the month, relative to the total numbers of days.

o If you selected Fiscal in the Calendar type field, the Posting frequency field is not available. The posting frequency then is equal to the number of periods in the fiscal year, as defined in the Fiscal calendars form for the fiscal calendar that is selected in the Ledger form.


1. Complete the procedure in the "Create accrual schemes" section.

2. In the Calendar type field, select Allocation key as the basis for the duration of the accrual.

Accruals are made according to a period key that is defined in the Period allocation categories form.

3. Select a period key in the Period key field.

Feb 13, 2012

Service management [AX 2012]

Service management [AX 2012]
Use Service management to establish service agreements and service subscriptions, handle service orders and customer inquiries, and to manage and analyze the delivery of services to customers. You can use service agreements to define the resources that are used in a typical service visit. You can also use service agreements to view how those resources are invoiced to the customer. A service agreement can also include a service level agreement that specifies standard response times, and offers tools to record the actual time.
You can create service orders to manage information about scheduled and unscheduled visits by a service technician to a customer site. Service orders include information such as:

1. The hours of work that the service technician will perform
2. The type of service or repair
3. The item to repair, including details about the symptoms and diagnosis
4. Any expenses and fees related to the service or repair
Customers can submit service requests through the Internet by using the Enterprise Portal. You can receive, process, and dispatch these requests. After you have created a service order, you can use service stages to monitor progress and specify rules that control what actions are enabled in each stage. When a service order is complete, you can sign off on the order to confirm that it is complete, and then post the order to start the invoice process.
Use the reporting tools to monitor service order margins and subscription transactions, and print work descriptions and work receipts.
Business processes
The following diagram illustrates the high level business processes for Service management, and shows where service processes integrate with other modules in Microsoft Dynamics AX.
[Description: Service management business process diagram]

Feb 8, 2012

[INVENTORY MANAGMENT ] About physical and financial updates [AX 2012]

About physical and financial updates [AX 2012]

This topic provides an overview of which types of transactions increase or decrease inventory quantities.

Inventory transactions can be physically updated and financially updated in Microsoft Dynamics AX, and certain types of physical and financial transactions increase inventory quantities, whereas others decrease the quantity.
Physical increases

When a physical transaction is posted, the status of the transaction record is "Received." The following transactions are considered physical increases:

* Purchase order receipt

* Sales order packing slip return

* Production order report as finish

* By-product on a production order picking list
Financial increases

When a financial receipt transaction is posted, the status of the transaction record that increases the quantity is "Purchased." The following transactions are considered financial increases:

* Vendor invoice

* Sales order invoice for a return

* Production order costing

* Positive quantity inventory journals, such as movement, profit loss, counting journals, bills of material, and transfer
Transactions that increase quantity

Transactions that increase quantity are posted at the running average cost price. Microsoft Dynamics AX calculates a running average cost price that is based on the cost of each of these transactions for each inventory dimension that is being tracked financially.
Transactions that decrease quantity

Microsoft Dynamics AX uses the calculated running average cost price when a transaction that decreases quantity is posted, regardless of which inventory model is associates with that inventory. This requires that the transaction that decreases quantity was not previously marked to another transaction before posting.

If the physical on-hand inventory goes negative, Microsoft Dynamics AX uses the inventory cost that is defined for the item in the Item form. Click Inventory and warehouse management > Periodic > Forecast > Entry > Items.
[Description: Note]Note

If multisite functionality is enabled, this cost will instead be the inventory cost that is defined for a site in the Default order settings form.

Physical issues vs. financial issues

When a physical issue transaction is posted, the status of the transaction record is "Deducted." The following transactions are considered physical issues:

* Production order picking list journal

* Sales order packing slip

* Purchase order packing slip return

When a financial transaction is posted, the status of the transaction record is "Sold." The following transactions are considered financial issues:

* Production order ended

* Sales order invoice

* Vendor invoice return

* Negative quantity inventory journals, such as movement, profit loss, counting journal, bills of material, and transfer

Transactions that decrease quantity are posted at the running average cost price. Thus, the inventory close procedure is required to settle issue transactions to receipt transactions based on the inventory model that is assigned to each item.

Feb 3, 2012

Set up integration with Microsoft Office Add-ins [AX 2012]

Set up integration with Microsoft Office Add-ins [AX 2012]
Microsoft Dynamics AX can be integrated with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. If your organization uses the Office Add-ins for Microsoft Dynamics AX, users can create Word documents and Excel workbooks that are linked dynamically to the tables in Microsoft Dynamics AX. Integration for the Office Add-ins must be set up before users can use the Office Add-ins to create files.
Use the following procedure to configure data sources for the Office Add-ins.

1. Click Organization administration > Setup > Document management > Document data sources.
2. In the Document data sources form, click New.
3. In the Module field, select the Microsoft Dynamics AX module from which a user can open and create files. For example, select Sales and marketing to enter the settings for a sales quotation.
4. In the Data source type field, select one of the following options:
* If the user wants to create files that other users can modify, select Service.
* If the user wants to create files that only the user can modify, select Query.
5. In the Data source name field, select the applicable data source.
6. Select the Activated check box.