Sep 15, 2007

Company Setup in GP 10.0

Explaining GP 10 Company Setup Window




Use Shipping Method When Selecting Default Tax Schedule During Tax calculation if it is required to have multiple taxes for different states, this option is very helpful. e.g. if shipment is for CA, it will deduct CA state Tax, if it is for NY, it will deduct NY Tax
Calculate Terms Discount Before Taxes If taxes doesn't support Term Discounts, Amount to be calculated on Total and not on discounted amount
enable Intrastat Tracking If wants to track Intrastat enable this
Separate Payment Distributions if GL is required to keep track of transactions for each module entry, mark this option for payment GL accounts to keep additional record
Merge Trade Discount and Markdown Distributions in Sales If you don't mark this option, the distributions that are of the same type with the same account number will be combined. (Suggested to keep it un checked for Pakistan)
Merge Trade Discount Distributions in Purchasing If this option is not marked, the trade discounts and markdown distributions will e separated from the sales Distribution
Calculate Tax Rebates Mark This option to allow correcting tax amounts for a transaction with a terms discount
Enable Posting Numbers in General Ledger Use this option if you want solid numbering of Transactions, without gaps, solid numbering is a legal requirements in few countries
Enable GST for Australia Enable GST for Australia
Enable Tax Date If tax date is different from the document date, you can check this option and a tax date field will be available on all control documents
Enable Reverse Charge Taxes Helpful for negative taxation, like withholding tax
Calculate Taxes in General Ledger option available if paying without BR module and wants tax calculation in GL
Allow Summary-Level Tax Edits if editing allowed in summary windows, check this option
Require Tax Details totals to Match the Pre-Tax Amount If proposed and actual is same mark this
Specify Tax Details for Automatic Tax Calculation if multiple taxes are assigned, you may select which tax to be activated
Enable EU Transaction Tracking for Enabling EU Transactions
Enable DDR and European Electronic Funds Transfer for EU
Enable Canadian Tax Detail for Canada


Withholding Vendor ID:

specify which vendor to Act as Tax Authority

Withholding File/Reconciliation Number

Withholding Tax Rate

Default 3.5% in case of Pakistan

Display Posting Number Per: Year or Period


Khurram Aftab said...

This method doesn't calculate specified withholding tax at the time of payment e.g if withholding tax rate is 3.5%, system calculates approx. 3.12%
Do you have any idea that why is it like that?

Unknown said...

Hi,The risk is greater if loans have been taken out from Qatar-based banks with Registered Agents in Qatar rather than home-country ones.Thanks....