Jul 29, 2009

DYNAMICS AXAPTA : Zakta Feature for Saudi Arabia

The Zakat Report feature:
The Zakat Report feature enables you to print Zakat reports that are required by the Department of Zakat and Income Tax. This update makes it easier for you to perform the following processes for Zakat reports:
  • Enter additional data that is required for general company information, assets, and depreciation.
  • Set a vendor to a subcontractor-type vendor.
  • Update the Zakat information for a vendor.
  • Create the chart of accounts to specify how the Zakat item is recorded on the voucher transaction, and how the account is used in a Zakat report.
  • Generate a Zakat report at the end of the financial year.
  • Change a Zakat transaction.
  • Regenerate a Zakat report for submission to the authorities before closing the fiscal year.

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