Jan 19, 2012

Create a purchase order from a sales order [AX 2012] CRM:0003002

Create a purchase order from a sales order [AX 2012]

Use this procedure to create a purchase order that is based on a sales order. When you create the purchase order, it reflects the products that you need to purchase in order to fulfill the sales order.

1. Click Sales and marketing > Common > Sales orders > All sales orders. Select the sales order to create a purchase order for, and then on the Action Pane, on the Sales order tab, in the New group, click Purchase order.


Click Accounts receivable > Common > Sales orders > All sales orders. Select the sales order to create a purchase order for, and then on the Action Pane, on the Sales order tab, in the New group, click Purchase order.
[Description: Description: Tip]Tip

You can also create a purchase order from a sales order on the All purchase orders list page. On the Action Pane, click From a sales order.

2. The Create purchase order dialog box lists all open sales order lines and includes the preferred vendors. In the Vendor account field, change the vendor account number, if a different account number is required.
[Description: Description: Note]Note

You can set up a preferred vendor for an item in the Released products form. On the Plan tab, click Item coverage to open the Item coverage form. Here, you can set up the item per site, warehouse, location, color, size, and configuration.

3. Select the Include check box to select the lines to generate purchase orders for. To select all lines, select the Include all check box.

4. Click Adjust quantity to within permitted range to adjust the ordered quantity so that it matches the minimum or maximum quantity that is specified for the item.

5. Click Search for purchase agreements to search for valid purchase agreements that you can base the new purchase order on.

6. Click Validate to validate the lines that you have selected for the purchase order.

7. Click OK to generate purchase orders based on your selections. Microsoft Dynamics AX creates one purchase order for each vendor account that is specified for the selected sales order lines.
[Description: Description: Note]Note

Each purchase order line is associated with the sales order line that led to the purchase. On the sales order line, the relation to the purchase order is indicated on the Line details FastTab, on the Product tab, in the Reference lot, Reference type, and Reference number reference fields. This relation guarantees that the costs from the current purchase are charged on the attached sales order.

To create a direct delivery from a vendor to a customer, on the Action Pane, on the Sales order tab, click Direct delivery. In the Create direct delivery form that is displayed, the Transfer delivery address check box is selected and is for information only.

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