Aug 19, 2009

Basic steps to up gradation from AX 4.0 to AX 2009(Test Environment)

1. Create an Empty Database (Test_AX2009)
2. Restore AX 4.0 Backup in “Test_AX2009”
3. Copy all Existing AX 4.0 Layers to any other folder. These can be copied from (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\40\Applications\App\Standard)
4. Install AX 2009 application (Installation is simple)
a. Database (Select Existing Database and point to “Test_AX2009”)
b. AOS (Do not run AOS Service)
c. Client
5. Delete SysSetupLog Table Entries – (This is main Problem I was facing – which does not let AOS to start in coming steps)
6. Copy back the Application Layer Files to AX 2009 Application Directory (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\50\Applications\App\{Instance Name})
7. Delete Index file from C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\50\Applications\App\{Instance Name}\axapd.aoi)
8. Execute the Attached Script file in the SQL Studio
9. Start AOS Service
10. Run Client
11. Upgrade Check list will open.
12. Go through by all simple checklist.
13. Take Back up DB “Test_AX2009” after Executing Pre-Synchronize Step in CheckList.
14. If you DB has some errors, you will face them in Post-Synchronize Step. Like I faced the following:

Unit Conversion Does not Exist
Record already exist in EPWEBSITE Table
To resolve the errors, you can access Tables through AOT and add missing records.
You have to remove all errors, otherwise Post-Synchronize step will not complete.

15. Pre Synchronize, Synchronize and Post- Synchronize is for entire database, not only for your company. If any error in Contoso Company, you have to remove them as well. Even I got 3 errors in DAT Company.
16. Finish with Checklist
17. Restart Client.

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